Monday, October 30, 2006

ring of fire

the internet in our apartment is way shiesty these days. the irony of this is not lost on me. i finally have a computer that functions properly, and now the internet is acting all crazy. it's pretty representative of my entire life, though, so maybe it's fitting.

i went to the market, finally, after work last night and bought some apples, bananas and yogurt. it feels nice to eat perishables again, having spent the last week and a half eating pasta (whenever mad or andy made it), extra breadsticks from the olive garden (where dan works these days), and unsalted pretzels that my grandma sent home with me the last time i was home. i can eat apples and peanut butter all the time again, and soon may even be the proud owner of a peanut farm, considering andy offered to give me one last night.

this week, i'm all about joaquin phoenix singing johnny cash on the "walk the line" soundtrack. maybe that's because i'm all about mr. phoenix in general. case in point:


(i just discovered the "insert picture" icon, and i intend to overuse it all the time, just to warn).

listening to this johnny cash music has made me miss the "little saddles" dance team i was on for about two years when i was ten, and it's not usually something i ever think about, much less miss. we used to dress up in southwest-themed skirts and cowboy boots and perform at this psuedo-country bar in my hometown. in retrospect, it was a little strange to have a bunch of little girls doing the electric slide while surrounded by middle-aged men drinking in the middle of the afternoon.

i have a feeling i would really like dancing if i ever had a chance to actually dance, and not just grind against some nasty at a party. one of the singular most fun memories i have is being slightly buzzed with a friend of mine at a party, and swing dancing in the middle of the dance floor during a 50 cent song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This entry is so relevant to me; I have been listening to Joaquin Phoenix doing that sound track all weekend on my I-pod. Also during the drunken rampage that was San Diego I seriously swing danced with this girl during a gangster rap song hahaa.