Tuesday, October 17, 2006

dirty pirate hooker

this afternoon, when lina and i were sitting in front of starbucks gossiping, this complete craze with three band-aids on his left cheek and a way dirty sweatshirt walked up to us, introduced himself, and told us very seriously that he was only trying to make friends and that he wasn't trying to get "a piece of ass." he then held out an old, worn chinese food takeout box and asked us if we wanted to share his rice. when we said no, he opened the box and poured the contents down the front of his sweatshirt, a la that guy in airplane who has the drinking problem. i really don't know how i always get pegged by people like that as the one girl in the universe to come up to and talk to, but it happens all the time.

that being said, i'm really glad that lina and i are making concerted efforts to see each other. i missed her over the summer. i went back to "aahs" (twice in less than a week!) with her because she wanted to get some glasses for her "dirty intern" halloween costume. maybe i really should be a dirty pirate hooker, like i told mad i would be.

at work, they made me train someone. the idea of me training someone is so funny to me. this was only my fourth day on the phones by myself, and i had to try desperately to teach two different people how to answer questions and work all the computer programs. i hope i did an ok job.

i'm listening to "gone" by switchfoot, something that jeff introduced me to the summer after graduation, when we'd go to the beach and before he discovered that switchfoot has crazy religious overtones and decided to renounce any pleasure he'd gotten from their music.

i'm way itchy. my skin is way dry, and i am officially a lizard person. it happened quite suddenly, actually. i mean, i've been dry for a while, but in past two days, my hands have gotten all weird and red and the rest of my body is hardcore drying out. basically, i'm on my way to glamour-town right now.

today, after my human sexuality lecture, i was contemplating whether or not it's possible to be just purely platonic friends with someone of the opposite sex. i think it's totally possible, mostly because (i assume) i've got a lot of platonic friendships with guys. i never really questioned any motives behind girl-guy friendships (because they've always just seemed natural to me) until last year, when a guy i dated got incredibly angry with me after i told him i'd gone to lunch with one of my closest friends (who, incidentally, happens to be male). this guy i was dating thought i'd gone on a date with my friend, which was so off base that i didn't know how to respond and eventually apologized for simply hanging out with him.

what i think is interesting is that every guy i've asked about this tells me that, yeah, platonic friendships between members of the opposite sex are pretty much impossible. that's kinda sad.


1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

aidat least for me, I don't really invest in a friendship with a girl as soon as there is NO possible interest. It might not be a LOT of romantic interest, but deep down, to want to go out of my way to hang out with a girl, there has to be a secret deep down hope there. I might be unusual, but I think most guys are like this.

And I'm not sure if this is such a problem. Married people rarely have very close friends with the opposite sex without those leading to affairs. Because once married, people ideally fulfill their opposite sex friendship needs in their spouse. And when they don't or when they let in someone else of the opposite sex, the attachment often becomes a threat to the marriage. Think about it, if your best friend is a guy and things with your husband go bad, and now the person you're confiding in and getting understanding from is someone of the opposite sex---next thing you know he's fulfilling the role of the husband for you, and there you go.

It's just not terribly practical for married people in that way. For single people, I can understand kind of hanging on to a surrogate member of the opposite sex to fulfill a little of that opposite sex connection even though it won't be a fully "consummated one." But ultimately, it's not the same as members of the same sex, there's deep down (at least for the guy usually) a hope and definitely some male/female fulfillment going on. And it's all just a lot less necessary when you're getting all those opposite sex needs met in a really intimate relationship.