Friday, October 06, 2006

act one

one of (the many) thing(s) that suck(s) about accutane is that it totally increases the skin's tendency to scar, and i didn't really need any help in that department - i scar easily enough on my own. and, classically enough, recently i've become a huge klutz. i've sliced myself on just about every surface in our apartment and on lots of things in my bag, and so i can look forward to some more pretty impressive scars.

my two cousins came to the performance tonight, and i absolutely adore them so it made me strangely sad to see them in the room with me and not be able to say hi to them or hang out with them. alanna is nine and amazing and so cute, and she kept staring at me with this look of disbelief, almost as if she couldn't figure out why i'd put myself in a vintage wedding dress and made a fool of myself.

i'm being summoned right now - we're going over to my grandparents' right now to hang out with them. more later. i'm not done yet.

1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

"i absolutely adore them so it made me strangely sad to see them in the room with me and not be able to say hi to them or hang out with them."

That's an extraordinarily touching sentiment.