Tuesday, October 10, 2006

happy birthday, bill

i just talked to my dad, who i apparently really embarrassed today. i left him a really stupid, incoherent message on his office phone this afternoon, because it's his birthday and i wanted to wish him a good one. i guess he and a bunch of his bigwig lawyer colleagues were waiting for a voicemail from a witness and when he played his messages back on speakerphone, they all heard me babbling about how i hoped he really enjoyed his birthday in trial and all this other stupid crap. that's actually really funny to me. plus, his coworkers scrambled around and found him a cupcake, and i really like thinking about all these people in powersuits deciding where to find the best pastries.

i was put on the phone by myself today at work. i made one mistake and had to ask a ton of questions, but other than that, it wasn't too rough. i was a little freaked out at first, but i handled it, because i'm that awesome.

tonight, i should probably do some work, but i really can't bring myself to do anything.

also, i think that i have way supersonic hearing. i mean, i was worried that accutane would increase the pressure in my braincase and make me deaf, but i stood outside the door of my apartment just now and thought that someone was inside watching tv. when i walked inside, i realized that it was just that someone had turned off the cable box and left the tv itself turned on. i could hear that way quiet hum outside the door. i'm not telling this story to make everyone feel way bad and inferior about their ears - i'm really happy that i can still hear all of the world's most annoying sounds, and thus, am not going deaf.

there was a time when i thought my wednesdays were going to be out of control and non-stop, but now it seems that i'll have a few hours between when i get off work and when i have to go to the flying squirrel meetings. i was, more or less, kicked out of the watts tutorial program, mostly because i would have had to leave a half hour early to make it to the flying squirrel. i guess that means i have some extra study time.

steve called me last night. it was very nice to actually hear his voice - that was new. he's outrageously hilarious and has the best delivery. sam's like that. i wish i had the ability to make anything in the world hysterical. i can still remember sitting with sam in the kitchen when we were ten, and laughing at each and every thing he said about the coupons he'd found on the counter. if i'd tried to talk about the campbell's two-for-one deal, it would have been stupid. last night, steve said something about how he looked like a "wet mouse" with his hair cut short. and for some reason, that struck me as the most ridiculously funny thing i'd heard in a long time. i actually just chuckled writing it.

i guess if you want to impress me, you gotta make me laugh.

1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

"i guess if you want to impress me, you gotta make me laugh." me too, that's why I've read through like half your blog here yesterday and today.

I particularly enjoy your creative use of the word "way," it cracks me up.

And I wasn't surprised to read that you wrote poetry too. I did too for a long time and I think it shows in the way that even in your prose every sentence winds up infused with some sort of flourish.

To write about the inanities of your everyday life as you do with your blog and make it absorbing reading shows you've got a lot of talent.

I wonder what would happen if you put all that wordsmanship (wordswomanship?) towards writing about something more deliberately thought provoking!

Yeah, it would probably suck. Keep doing what you're doing :)