Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ipods, magnets, and hot cross buns

i think i might love my dermatologist. plantonically, of course, but that's still interesting, considering i've seen him a total of four times, for a total of like one hour. he's just way awesome and makes me feel a lot better about this entire shitty situation. also, he told me that i have accutane-induced eczema now, and that was a much better diagnosis than the one i'd given myself (much to the horror of my roommates). i thought i had ringworm. yummy, i know. i don't, though, and that's the most important thing, yes?

after my appointment, i decided that it's high time i did some little errands that i've been meaning to do for months. i went to the apple computer store in the local mall to get my ipod fixed, and that place is out of control. they have studio, genius, and various other types of "bars" where only specialized people can help you with your issue. i asked some guy if he could help me, and he had me make a computer reservation to speak with a "genius", some guy who i could have just verbally announced my presence to. the guy was seriously standing about ten feet away from me, but i had to send him a message over the internet. it reminded me of the "high tech" appointment system my high school adopted my senior year, which allowed the secretaries to send instant messages to the counselors to alert them that their students had showed up to talk to them. so, the counselors got IMs from the front office, again about ten feet away. i guess people think that that is more streamlined, but it strikes me as kinda ridic.

i spent ten years looking for jeans this afternoon - jeans that fit me properly. it took a really long time, but i finally succeeded and that was grand.

also, i bought a pair of magnetic stud earrings, and am wearing one of them in my nose right now. no one in my family thinks the fact that i want to test out a nose piercing is a big deal - they're all just appalled that i have a magnet in my nose. clay told me that that is "disgusting." whatever. i wanted to see what it would look like if i did in fact have a crystal in my nose without actually having to shove a needle through my nostril. actually, my mom told me that she kinda wants one too. that would be interesting. the verdict is that i'm gonna shop around and see if i can find a place that looks clean and respectable and then i'll probably get my nose pierced. and this will forever prevent me from doing the play at the museum ever again.

sophie and i went for a walk this afternoon. i say it like that because i found myself treating her like a person, and not like a dog. we went for a way long time, and i got kinda loopy/bored so i started talking to her and telling her what direction i thought we should go, and maybe it's just that she had the route memorized already or something, but i could have sworn she was listening to me.

being home this time was way less annoying than it was the other weekend. i was probably just being a moody bitch. clay wrote a story for school and his teacher told him it was "the best thing any student has written in her class ever." i told him i wanted to read it, considering it was so awesome. and that led to him chasing me all over the elementary school campus, yelling at me to give it back to him. it was really juvenile of me to play keep-away with my little brother (and i didn't even get to read it because i was running), but it was fun regardless.

one of the highlights of my day was making dinner with my mom. my grandparents came over, and we had a fat feast. clay played "hot cross buns" on his clarinet and then allowed everyone but me to read that damn story, and i'm sure he felt like a prince. it was a good time.

p.s. i can't believe rush limbaugh would make such a terrible, insensitive comment about michael j. fox's parkinson's. actually, i do believe it because he's a hypocritical asshole, but it makes me sick that he chooses to use his (unfortunate) media power to say such awful things. just shut up already and stop acting like a goddamn saint. to say that someone is exaggerating (for political gain or anything else) the symptoms of their crippling disease is disgusting and makes me want to slap him in the face. and maybe kick him in the knees too. very few things make me really angry (i've learned, with today's politics, to let a lot of shit slide so that i don't go crazy), but reading about that pissed me off so much. i could not believe that. and shouldn't have to, i don't think.

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