Saturday, October 14, 2006

homeward bound

i've always been hugely lazy on weekends, and am even more lazy these days because the weekdays are so busy, so i don't know why it's so shocking to my family that i'm still in my pajamas wrapped in a comforter, scooting around the house looking crazy. my plan was to come home last night for mel's party and then have my dad take me back to westwood today/tonight. however, i forgot that today is my parents' wedding anniversary, and that means that there will be no driving in to the apartment until tomorrow. so, i'm stuck. absolutely no one is here and because i figured i'd be back at school today, i didn't really bring any books or class shit to do. i guess that's contributing to my complete and utter lack of motivation to get dressed. if i'm just gonna hang out in my house and watch movies/get sassed by clay because i "just woke up" (which is false), why get ready?

this morning, i woke up to my dad telling sam (right by my couch), "the thing about mid- to late-17th century political writers is..." and then i yelled at them to find another place in the house to continue their philsophical discussion because it's not my fault i have to sleep in the front room - they've cleared my room.

last night was way more fun than i expected. i'm always kinda nervous when i have to perform some sort of physical sport-like activity, because i'm really terrible at all competitive games. i have so little hand-eye coordination, it's laughable (hence my decision to spend seven years of my life running around on a crappy dirt track while my friends were playing soccer and volleyball and basketball). so when i discovered that we were going bowling in studio city, i was instantly worried that i would be laughed out of the bowling alley (because that's what happens when i go with denis and weil and gilmore). what i didn't take into account, though, is that everyone would be totally drunk by the time we even got there, and that i would actually be one of the best bowlers in the group. i guess i know what gives me my competitive edge: competing against drunkies.

it was also really, really good to hang out with melissa again. we go way back, and i don't see her nearly enough. when andy's 21 next month, and we start having classy affairs and he starts teaching me about wine like he's been threatening to for the past two years, i'm going to invite all my classy friends down to the apartment to hang out and take "vino 101" with me.

yesterday, when my mom was driving me back from my aunt's house in the valley, she looked at me really seriously, and said, "hey, i wanted to ask you you have a pumpkin at your apartment?" it was ridiculous. i was expecting her to ask me something really annoying or to tell me to send out my absentee ballot for the fifteenth time, and instead, she was just worried that we hadn't decked our apartment out for halloween. this morning, when i finally hobbled into my room, there were two plastic grocery bags full of mini pumpkins sitting right by my door.

i realized last night that the only song i can sing is "homeward bound" by simon and garfunkel. and by "sing" i mean not totally destroy.

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