Saturday, October 28, 2006

fright night

dan scared the shit out of me last night. i come from a family that loves tricks and pranks and halloween and scary movies and i have a demon brother who tries to freak me out all the time, and still, last night was the most scared i have ever been in my entire life. mad and i had finally gone to bed at around 2:30 am, because it's almost impossible for us to stop being hilarious. at 3 am, i woke up to mad whispering my name, and telling me that there was someone outside our front door rattling the handle. i was tired and way sad that i'd been called out of a wonderfully deep sleep, so i told her that the door was locked and i was sure it was just some drunk guy and could i please just go back to sleep?

alas, i could not go back to sleep because she kept talking to me about how scared she was. the only solution, i thought, was to get up and investigate the sound and make sure that the front door was indeed locked and then go back to sleep. so, i went and made the rounds, checking the hall closet and the living room and the kitchen and all the various prime burglar/kidnaper hiding places in the apartment. i was about to come back into the room when i figured i should check the bathroom, while telling mad, and i quote, "there is no one here, unless they are made of air," and i was really confident and proud of myself for being so brave while she cowered in her blanket. i was fully awake now and way full of myself for being such a ghosthunter, so i casually pushed the door of the bathroom open to prove that there was no one hiding behind it (a trick i used in my house all the time, when i was younger and being the only person sleeping downstairs used to really scare me). and then, the door stopped, and dan leapt out from behind it and i swear to god, i was in tears. there's nothing like thinking you're about to be killed to get you crying. it was terrible, considering it was 3 am and i assumed everyone was sleep.

maybe it's hard to articulate how horrible it is to be frightened to tears for no reason (aside from the fact that one of my roommates is way patient and can wait until the middle of the night to prank us), but i had to at least try. because after that, i had all these crazy dreams about a friend's creepy stepdad, who has always made me feel uneasy, and when i woke up, i was all out of sorts and upset.

there is some good news though: i'm sitting in powell having just finished my tremendously stupid anthropology paper, something that has been weighing on me since it was assigned three weeks ago. it was one of those things that i just could not bear the thought of, until this weekend, when i absolutely had to have something to turn in this coming monday. and i'm done! i'm also currently getting the stare-down from this girl who just reapplied her bright red lipstick and inspected her giant boobs. maybe it's the halloween-themed plaid ribbon i'm wearing as a headband, the ribbon i stole from andy's "halloween care package" of chocolates he got from home. and maybe that's compounded by the fact that i'm incredibly shlubby today, considering i was planning on spending the entire day at the library (and i am). if i had known i was going to be competing with cleavage'd out diva queens, i might have tried a little harder. as it is, though, she's still staring at me every time i look up at her, and that's unsettling.

earlier, when i was still laboring over the anthro paper, some guy got trapped in a doorway leading into this room. his huge athletics windbreaker got caught on the moulding and he struggled with it for a little while, saying "i'm stuck! i'm stuck!" and, i kid you not, waving his arms around all crazily, before he finally freed himself.

so, that being said, i don't know how it's possible to not have interesting stories to tell, because interesting things seem to happen all time.

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