Wednesday, November 01, 2006

what a drag

i woke up this morning on the futon in the living room, and had one of those moments when i had no idea where i was or how i got there. the answer to those questions is relatively tame: i got home from west hollywood at 12:30 am, washed all the glittery eye makeup off my face, screwed around for a little while, and then tried to read a little for my human sexuality class while laying on the futon, which andy told me was a "recipe for disaster." how right he was. i think i honestly read about two words, and then fell asleep. i don't know how i did it, but i ended up waking up at 8:28 this morning, two minutes before the alarm i'd set and left in my room went off. that was lucky.

last night was amazing. we weren't out very long or very late, but it was great. santa monica boulevard, from doheny to la cienega, was completely closed off and full of people in crazy costumes just walking around or dancing or eating from vendors at the sides of the street. we were under the assumption that it was primarily a drag queen thing, but there were a ton of people who weren't in drag and lots of older, middle-aged couples wearing l.l. bean wandering around. it had a way cool vibe too, as if everyone was just having fun and being themselves (which i realize sounds kinda crazy because it was halloween, and lots of people were decidedly not being themselves). i had a really good time, and finally got to wear that ridiculous blue dress. (some drunk guy asked me what color my dress was, and i told him, "shiny," because that's pretty much the only "color" that properly describes it).

udeitha, me and the fanta girls:

it was fabulous.

i ran into kevin today. more specifically, he spied me sitting on kerchkoff patio and walked up and stood right next to where i was sitting. it took me a really long time to acknowledge his presence because i figured it was either someone who was crazed or someone who selling something (religious or otherwise), and i wasn't entirely sure how i was going to handle the situation. i was way relieved to discover that it was someone i actually knew. it's always really nice to see people from home, because i can share the gossip i've collected. we also traded war stories. his were along the lines of, "i was wakeboarding and knee'd myself in the face." mine were more like, "i was minding my own business before i was blindsided by the most awkward encounter i've ever had." my favorite thing about my encounter with kevin, though, was when i talked about how tired i was and how much my eyes hurt (my contacts were dry and it was really sunny) and how insane i probably looked, and he said, "yeah." that was great.

tonight, i have to work from 5 to 8 pm and then go to the flying squirrel meeting, which will last for almost the entire night because we go to press (i love how official that sounds) on friday, and start distributing on monday. this is our last chance to be together as a huge group and make the articles as hilarious as possible. then, when i get home, i have to start studying for the midterm i have on friday. i drank a fat latte this afternoon, and i'm so excited that i'm wide awake now. i guess that's what fifteen shots of espresso will do. mad's been trying to get me to take no-doze and stay up with her for the entire night (she has two midterms tomorrow), but i don't really want to wreck myself if i don't absolutely have to.

i just got a paycheck! that means i only have to work for three more months to help pay off my laptop (barring any other expenses).

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