Wednesday, November 29, 2006


i told myself that i wasn't going to buy any food on campus today, but then i broke down and had lunch with udeitha. my hunger strike only lasted thirteen hours. i blame the blood test i had to have this morning. i hate those so much.

yesterday, i had my monthly dermatologist appointment, and even though everything appeared perfectly fine at the doctor's office, i wasn't able to get my prescription filled at the pharmacy. apparently, my having my original blood test (and therefore, my pregnancy test) six days before my appointment was a no-no, because i could have gotten preggers in those six days, thus nullifying the test. there are several irritating consequences to that ridic rule:

1) i couldn't have my prescription filled before i came back down to LA last night, and that's sad because i haven't had any pills for four days already, and it's stressing me out not to have a constant med flow in my bloodstream.

2) i had to get another blood test, to prove to these crazes that i didn't conceive a child during thanksgiving dinner. and i hate blood tests. i don't think i need to go into that. previous posts should have demonstrated this.

3) and, finally, i need to find a way to fax these updated results to my doctor at home, because ashe, in all of its shining glory, doesn't fax test results.

once again, accutane has owned me. i really shouldn't knock it, though, because the results are so incredible. also, i guess i sorta understand why the pharmaceutical companies are so militant about the pregnancy issue. women on accutane have babies with coneheads and wide set eyes and mental/physical disabilities, and that's pretty frightening.

tonight, i need to start studying for the research methods test i have on monday. it will officially be the first school work i've done in about a week. i guess i have the thanksgiving break excuse, but my laziness has gotten way out of control. i need to reign it in.

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