Wednesday, November 08, 2006


i am giddy right now. insanely excited. i cannot believe how well the elections went yesterday. i didn't watch any of the news coverage, because i did that in 2004 and ended up crying for five hours as bush slowly won. i'd started to think that the democrats were a broken party because, really, if they couldn't oust bush after the trainwreck of his first term, what could they do? considering this, the election results are amazing. mason told me all about them last night, after most of them had been announced, because i still couldn't bring myself to watch the news. i'm also so glad that mccaskill won in missouri, because now rush limbaugh can actually just shut the fuck up. i guess making fun of people with diseases doesn't win elections anymore.

and i think california's prop 85 (requiring minors to get parental consent for abortions) didn't pass. we've still got arnold, but whatever. at least some of the craziness will now be stopped in washington. and that's what's most important for me.

i just read the results and had to share my joy. more later.

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