Wednesday, November 22, 2006

how many sticks does it take?

this morning, i went to get my blood drawn at ashe. apparently, i'm allowed to stroll in there whenever i damn well please to get stuck with needles. yipee! i went during my hour break between classes, and was really nervous that i was going to be waiting for the majority of it and then have to leave before getting anything accomplished. however, i got into a room really quickly, and then, within two minutes, the needle technicianS came in. i suppose there is always a price to pay at ashe, and you settle your debt with time or with pain. because i got in there so fast, i had to be injured by a nurse in training. it was pretty awesome. i've already catalog'd how impossibly dormant my veins are, so i won't go into it, but i will say that this guy, who was being shadowed by a seemingly older, wiser man, stuck me and said the same words i've heard many a time: "oh, it must have rolled on me," implying that he wasn't getting any blood out and would have to do an under-the-skin mine sweep. he did, and still, no luck.

right after he failed to draw my blood, he and his mentor unceremoniously kicked me out of the room and told me to go upstairs to the lab, where they'd try again with my other arm. this next guy still had trouble (my left arm is even more difficult than my right), but he eventually hit pay dirt and drained me of (some of) my lifeblood. gross.

on my way out of ackerman (i'd gone to get some trail mix, water, orbit, and a nutri-grain bar, my basic food essentials, to sooth myself after the harrowing blood draw), i ran into cory, who looks so completely different now that he's cut off his hair/shaved his face. we ended up hanging out on bruinwalk before my class (i had time to spare! despite going to two different locations in ashe!), and eating trail mix and sharing some deep thoughts. it should be abundantly clear by now to the handful of you who read this blog that i really love deep thoughts.

i'm going home tonight. before that, i have to finish work, go get my eyebrows threaded (which hurts and is also at the same time the coolest thing i've ever seen), pack, eat, sign up for next quarter's classes, and wait for gilmore to come pick me up on his way home from san diego.

i'm actually getting calls at work and that makes me upset.

1 comment:

happiness is Leah-shaped said...

I pretty much love your blog. Lots. and LOTS! Never stop.