Saturday, November 04, 2006


i stayed up all night talking to steve. i haven't stayed up all night in many, many moons, and it was totally worth it.

i spent an hour in ralph's with andy yesterday, while he looked for the right box of granola and danced around the wines, because in a few days, he'll be able to buy it himself. i bought crest white strips, which taste like ass, and are forcing me to give up coffee/tea. vanity's a bitch.

tonight, i'm going to the dorms to have dinner with elona before i have to go work will call at an event on campus. i haven't seen her in way too long. when she called me last night, i got crazy excited. it sounds like a huge excuse to say that i've been too busy to see anyone, but it's very true. when i'm done with my weekdays, i just want to veg out in the apartment. veg out, or study.

i'm really happy right now. i'm not even pissed off at the prospect of having to walk all around campus tonight, and that's definitely saying something.

because i have to actually leave my apartment today, i have to eventually get cleaned up, and i guess there's no time like the present.

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