Monday, November 06, 2006

extra, extra

to borrow from "the shining": all work and no caffeine makes me a tired beast.

the flying squirrel was published today, and we spent about four hours on campus handing copies out to unsuspecting strangers. this issue is way hilarious, and much better than the first one (which i didn't think was possible). i know i've said this more times than anyone wants to hear, but i'm so proud to be a part of this paper. so proud. and, in a really dorky, lame way, it's incredibly fulfilling to have something i made and care about be enjoyed by other people. i exchanged "paperwork" with some guy who was giving away socialist party flyers, and when i looked back and saw him laughing about "illegal animal migration" at his socialist revolutionaries booth, it made me really excited. i also love the guys on the staff, who told me that i should pretty much just expect to get hit on, because "you're a girl at a comedy paper. what do you think?"

our power is being really bizarre. the lights keep flickering on and off, and if i lose this blog, i'm going to be really pissed off. oh good. i just used my limited computer knowledge to switch wireless networks. yes, that is an accomplishment for me. shut up.

i'm feeling really ok right now. udeitha and i had a really deep talk about our insecurities last night when she came over. i told her about my skin struggles, which is something i used to think people needed to know about me to truly understand me, as stupid as that sounds. but even as we were talking about it, i realized how unhealthy it is to totally dwell on what you don't like about yourself. i actually don't want to talk about it anymore, especially now that it won't be a problem for me in a matter of months. there's a big issue with my saying "hi, i had bad skin, and this is what it's done to me." i'm going to keep being honest about it (i mean, it's not really something i can completely hide), but i am not going to be defined by it anymore. because i think that that's what my biggest problem is, defining myself by this idiot skin thing, and not by the positive things i see in myself.


Anonymous said...

Thus far, this particular blog stands out as one of my favorites. It's embodies so much of what I think a good blog should. -Luke

Anonymous said...

My grammar skills are poor tonight, as well. -Luke