Tuesday, November 21, 2006


it's a rough life sometimes. right now, i'm at work, with no phone calls to answer, having just played phone tag with a woman who got progressively less friendly each time we had to call each other back. also, i'm wearing a way-big sweater that is cozy and bright yellow and awesome, but is also way too huge. i hate feeling shleppy. i'd rather look put together and adorable all the time. who wouldn't? unfortunately, i'm at the point where i hate every piece of clothing i own (something that happens every couple of months or so).

my mom told me last night that my dad's parents are coming to our thanksgiving this year. that's good news. my grandpa got really, really sick over the summer and was in the hospital for weeks, prompting my grandma to say the saddest thing i've ever heard: "i've never lived by myself, and i hope i never do." he's much better now and i haven't seen him since he was laying immobile in a hospital bed, so it will be really good to see him.

mad and i played guess who? in the middle of the night. it's part of our "screw school until thanksgiving" plan. the only problem with this plan is that we do still have class and work and responsibilities, so staying up way late to ask, "does your person have terribly googley eyes?" is kinda a bad idea, because then we're exhausted during the day (like i am right now).

i'm dyeing my hair again today. it's been an odyessy, but i know what color i want it to be, and i will not rest until i have achieved said color. also, matte dark brown/black is not working for me.

i hate the ashe center, and i have to go back tomorrow. actually, i hope i can go back tomorrow because i need my blood test for my accutane appointment next tuesday. i haven't made my appointment for ashe yet. oops. i'm relying same-day appointment opportunities. maybe i won't get owned.

because i thought i might get my blood test done today, i didn't eat anything at all and now i'm fading fast. i want a baja burrito so badly. i should buy stock in that place because i'm always there. at least if i owned a small part of it, i could convince myself that all the money i spend on beans and rice was actually coming back to me.

1 comment:

happiness is Leah-shaped said...

Hi Sarah!

I love your blog, Lots.

I like the idea of dyeing your hair.

I have an entirely vain question to ask you... I'm thinking of dyeing my hair dark chesnut with pink highlights in the underlayers, so they just peek out a little bit when I curl my hair. What do you think?

P.S. my blog is happinessisleahshaped.blogspot.com