Thursday, November 09, 2006

control freak

a wee bit of whimsy:
i haven't seen jeans in a while. i realize that because i refuse to capitalize (i'm a regular e.e. cummings), you have might have assumed i was talking about the two-legged clothing item. however, jeans, in this case, is a proper name. it's the name karessa and i gave to the man who always stared at us in the weight room at the gym at six in the morning (we thought it was bizarre for him to be so enthralled by us, considering we weren't exactly looking our best at wooden at 6 am). he wore jeans and cowboy boots to work out, and i thought it was very interesting. i thought about him today when i was walking from the shuttle to work, because i saw a campus maintenance truck. jeans worked for campus maintenance, and karessa and i figured that out when we left the gym one morning only to be spied on in the rearview mirror of a maintenance truck. needless to say, we were way surprised to learn that our gym friend was actually a school employee. and were even more terrified to discover that he worked out in his work clothes so that he didn't have to change when he had to clock in. i kinda miss jeans.

last night, the flying squirrel peeps ended up at my apartment, and much hilarity ensued. a simple mathematical equation: funny people = awesome. i had a deep talk with joey, ben and zach about relationships (friendships, romantique, etc.) and what motivates people to have them (normal or not). that was timely and helpful, considering a few hours later, one of my recent relationships came amicably to an end. that's the second time i've done that in the last few months, sorta just let someone go. i hate that, i really do hate that, and if it were up to me, that would never happen, but i guess sometimes, things are beyond my all-consuming control. and that's annoying and sad.

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