Sunday, November 05, 2006


that's the name of the grill at my grandparents' house. it is also exactly what i feel like right now. this is what happens to me when i don't eat anything that satisfies me all day. i graze. i eat a lot of peanut butter and pita and yogurt and drink a lot of soy milk for hours and i feel like a feastmaster. (also, i just happen to adore that picture, and i needed to post it to the world).

i took a (much needed) long nap this afternoon and had a bunch of bizarre dreams involving a ton of people in my life. they were caricatures of themselves, of course, but themselves nonetheless. it's always so interesting to me that dreams reflect real life so perfectly. they exaggerate all the right things, as if to say to you, the dreamer, "this is where the problem is, dumbass." and then it's up to you to listen to your much smarter subconscious, or to continue being a conscious moron.

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