Tuesday, November 07, 2006


this morning on the shuttle, some guy felt it was necessary to stand sideways in the aisle of the bus and rest the weight of his backpack on my right shoulder. i have a huge problem with personal space invasions, and i got really irritated, which is really fabulous at 9:30 in the morning. all of my pet peeves involve (mostly) strangers who are incapable of just keeping to themselves. i figure, if i'm able to get through my day without throwing my hair in someone else's face, or sneezing on them, or resting my bag on their body parts, everyone else should be able to as well. it's just a simple consideration that some people seem not to understand.

that being said, i kept doing something really awkward during my human sexuality midterm. a random dude sat right next to me as i was waiting for udeitha to show up, and his knee came up right to the edge of the little fold-down desk i was taking my test on. so, every time i shuffled around to turn a page, i accidentally touched his knee. the first time was a surprise, and then i kept doing it, even though i was making a conscious effort not to. i guess there was no room for me to shuffle around as needed without touching a stranger. to him, i apologize.

jose and i had to get basketball media guides ready to mail today at work. first, we labeled all the giant envelopes, then we stuffed them with media guides, and then we had to seal them all with scotch tape. i went through eight rolls of tape. for some reason, that number doesn't seem to encompass exactly how many envelopes we did, but i have the blistered thumbs to prove it. seriously. i felt like i was in an alternate universe, one where envelopes never stopped being stuffed with media guides and i never stopped having to tape them closed. every time i finished taping about a million of them, and looked back at jose's desk, all satisfied with how much i'd gotten done, and realized that he'd just stuffed a million more, i felt like i was inching closer to insanity. we did them all, though, and i'm strangely proud of that.

i'm jealous of john mayer, because he is, at the very basic level, a really fantastic writer. i've been listening to his new album a lot recently (because i currently only have twenty-two songs on my new computer) and i love his lyrics. and i'm upset that i can't capture life the way i used to.

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