Sunday, November 19, 2006

in progress

i'm in the process of slowly writing my anthro paper, and i'm really scared of it. i don't want to do poorly on it (again), so i'm way stressed out. oh, what a difference a day makes. i have a lot of it done already. in fact, i could just slap a conclusion on it and print it out, but i'm going to let it just stay open on my computer staring at me until i can figure out if it's good enough or what i can do to fix it.

having gilmore over last night was so much fun. mad came home really drunk from an a capella party and kept calling him "matt", which was hilarious. also, i finally got to take a shot (or five) with andy for his birthday. we all (meaning mad, andy, gilmore and i) ended up in my bedroom, being funny and cracking up. gilmore and i fell asleep on my bed and when i woke up this morning, he had vanished. i got really nervous because the front door was locked and he wasn't on the futon or in the bathroom or out on the patio. i can't really say what i thought might have happened to him, but i was nervous anyway. as a last ditch effort, i opened the door to andy's room and found gilmore curled up at the foot of andy's bed, sleeping with andy. (p.s.: andy just told me he was sleeping naked last night. i felt that that added some spice to my story). it was only 7:30 this morning, but i woke mad up and laughed hysterically about it for about fifteen minutes.

mad and me, during the hilarity:

(i like this one because, among other things, my hair looks the color i wanted it to).

my mom said something offensive to me last night. she told me that my not having a boyfriend right now is detrimental to my growing up and that i am "missing out on something that is vital to being a well-rounded person." i've always known that it really upsets my mom and my grandparents that i'm always talking about guys i hang out with and yet never sealing myself to them for the rest of my life, but it was the first time she'd actually come right out and said that she thought it was a problem. the thing that makes me most upset about the conversation i had with her is that she knows why i'm a relationship saboteur, and she lived it herself when she was my age, and i can't believe her sometimes when she acts like i'm a fat baby for thinking the acne is a big deal. and, to be way dramatic, she shouldn't expect me to have had "normal" relationships recently when i didn't feel like a normal person for a very long time. maybe i can't articulate how irritating and bitchy i thought it was, but let's suffice to say i did in fact think it was irritating and bitchy.

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