Thursday, November 16, 2006

paper cut

it always makes me beam when i tell people about the flying squirrel and they know what i'm talking about. i was just talking to jose at work about the onion and about how the flying squirrel is based on it, and he said, "oh yeah! i've heard of that!" and it made me way excited.

i'm supposed to go get coffee with ben later today so that i can read his new story. i'm looking forward to that because i love reading/writing/coffee. and maybe i like hanging out with ben too. maybe. i'm glad he's not still peeved at me for calling him "jaded and old" last wednesday night when we were all talking about relationships. that was a weird night, in a way, because everyone was being way honest and open about themselves, but not in a cohesive way. we were all just opening our heartsouls under the guise of a real conversation, so i think everyone left feeling kinda bizarre.

my research methods paper is actually way close to be done. i have a few more things to fix, and i plan on doing that when i'm back at work today at 2 (i'm currently wasting away the last twenty minutes of my morning shift). i may be able to do food not bombs tonight, if i get all my shit done.

also, i got owned yesterday by my anthropology paper (the stupid one i didn't care about a few weeks ago). owned. it was truly the first time in my life that i've gotten a shiesty grade on a paper. amazing. it's made even more amazing by the fact that i'm going to have to write another one for that same class (same format and everything) by monday. and this time, i'm actually going to have to care, and that's the worst part. (thankfully, though, i did way awesome on the midterm, so the paper won't screw my grade too much).

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