Sunday, November 26, 2006

by fog or by stream

nothing exciting happened today. i spent a long time looking for a printer with my grandpa and clay, and my grandpa asked me the age-old question: "do you want a fog or a stream?", referring, as only he could, to the pepper spray he wants to buy me to keep me safe in the terribly dangerous part of west los angeles i call home. i told him i didn't want any, but if experience has taught me anything, it's that saying no only makes it more fun for him to just do what he wants anyway.

i decided, sadly, that i shouldn't get my nose pierced until after i finish the accutane. i probably shouldn't wound my face while my skin is way fragile and not healing correctly. i think it's irritating that the scratch i've had on the back of my hand for two and a half weeks isn't going away - i can't imagine what it would be like to get a piercing right now. this realization comes a mere few days after i found a perfectly nice, reputable place to have it done. i'm going to add it to the list of things to do post-meds, which now includes shopping, full-time contacts wearing, massage, nose piercing, and a ceremonial burning of the creams.

i bogarted a copy of one of sam's masterpieces and am finally going to put one up in my room.

i've eaten way too much this weekend. i guess maybe my body figured out that this will be the only time in the next three weeks that i'll have access to normal food/any food at all.

i'm exhausted. the past four days totally drained me. i had a blast, but still, i'm way tired.

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