Sunday, November 12, 2006

sankai juku

sample phone call at the ticket office:
(and by "sample", i mean factual recount)

me: hi, thank you for calling. how can i help you?
customer: do you have any dance shows this week?
me: dance shows?
customer: yes, dance shows.
me: do you know of any specific name or date for this dance show?
customer (not knowing how incredibly difficult it is to search for "dance shows"): no. i'm just supposed to find a dance show.
me: so no specifics?
customer: no, just a dance show. i need to go for class.
(i look in the computer for any non-specific dance shows).
me: ma'am, i don't believe we have any dance shows this week.
customer: well, what about the sankai juku performance on friday? it says right here on my assignment sheet that i'm supposed to see sankai juku.

and i get to deal with this all day long.

1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

that's hysterical