Sunday, November 05, 2006

bright whites

work was insane last night. my supervisor said it was the busiest night he'd ever worked (which i kinda doubt, but it was crazy enough to make him say that). this job has made me appreciate customer service so much more. you really don't realize how stressful and frazzling it is to have to deal with bitchy customers until you actually do. i'm never a fat bitch to sales people in the first place, but now, i feel akin to them.

i have to study for human sexuality at some point today, because the midterm is on tuesday, but i'm restless, so i don't know when that's going to happen.

last night, i was rushing from my dining hall dinner with elona to campus for work, and someone called my name. this someone was an older woman named eunice, who works with me at the museum. i know her pretty well, and it was a little small-worldy to run into her at school, so i stopped to talk to her. she's a very, very interesting person, and after i left her and her husband, i left guilty because i'd been so worried about being late to work that i'd been a little preoccupied during the conversation.

i wish my life was a continual weekend. the weekdays are way intense, and i'm just now starting to not feel exhausted.

those white strips really do taste terrible, but i've only been using them for two days and i can already see a difference. maybe it's all in my head, but my teethies actually do look whiter. it's all part of my self-improvement plan. at the end of last school year, i gave myself a timeline (june of 2007) to fix everything (inside and out) about myself that i don't like, so that i can never say ever again that anything held me back from doing something i wanted to do. because that's bullshit. i guess the more mature way to handle that would be to get over it without having to change myself. my mom would tell me to "get over myself." but change is good sometimes, right? and, at this point, i could definitely use some.

1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

how someone who doesn't eat meat can identify with the word "Feastmaster" (which a. sounds like Beastmaster and b. evokes the sense of a feast, which isn't a feast without big substantial meat elements that make it filling and overindulgent) is really interesting to me.