Thursday, November 30, 2006

bureaucracy black hole

today, at work, two completely unrelated callers thought my name was "bev". that's pretty impressive, considering my name sounds nothing like that.

my eyes are all crazed because i've been wearing my contacts and pissing them off and drying them out.

random question: have you ever overheard someone chewing and thought to yourself that they must have at least two sets of teeth, because there are crazy foreign sounds coming from their jaws? because that happened to me today, and i had those thoughts, and it scared me.

i had a really fun time last night trying to get the results of my second negative pregnancy test to my doctor in my hometown. ashe doesn't fax test results (and also doesn't print them out, according to the nurse i saw yesterday, which was a total lie, considering i was handed a print out last week when i got my first monthly blood test - the nurse last night insisted on emailing the results to me). my doctor at home doesn't have an email address (according to his nurses, which again, i think was bull because how could he not have an email address?), so i couldn't just send the results to him that way. i was stonewalled into having to find a printer (to access the results) and a fax machine (to send the results) on campus yesterday before 5 pm. i left ashe empty-handed at 4:30 pm. i raced to powell to print out the email, only to discover that all the labs were being used for classes. and that's when i freaked out and called my mom, because i was so utterly frustrated with my life. i stood in the middle of campus, and willed myself not to burst into tears. it's such a terrible thing to get jerked around like that. to quote a text message i sent mad, i felt like "punching everyone i came into contact with right in the face."

the best part is that when i did eventually get to print out and fax the results (this morning, because i was on campus until 11 last night), all they said was "pregnancy test negative negative" (i'm doubly infertile, i guess). that was a whole lot of bullshit for four words. sad.

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