Friday, December 01, 2006

mate hunt

a brief review of my chance encounter with my friend nate:

nate: so, how's the mate search going?

me: actually, i'm not all that interested in hunting right now. i'm happy with my life.

nate: what happened to you?

i also got into a bizarre conversation about animal rights and my near-veganism with some people in my psych research methods lab. every time someone asks me a question about why i've outlawed meat, eggs, milk and cheese from my diet, i express my opinions, and then suddenly feel like i'm preaching to everyone (something i can't stand when i'm the preachee). today, i brought it upon myself, because i mentioned the assigned reading, which was all about animal research in psychology experiments, and was the most biased, bitchy, pointed thing i've ever read in a textbook. the guy was such an asshole about animal rights. and then, i basically had the entire lab up in arms about how i don't think animals should be exploited at all, for food or otherwise (with the exception of udeitha, who a) wasn't listening and b) is also a vegetarian, and would have stuck up for me if she had been paying attention).

i did, however, give bill pullman (the actor in "independence day" and "the grudge" and lots of other crazy movies) his will call tickets tonight. that makes me practically famous.

1 comment:

Dan Fincke said...

Bill Pullman is the MAN! I'm so jealous! >-(