Wednesday, December 27, 2006


my lower body is so sore. originally, i was going to say, "my ass is so sore" or "my legs are so sore" and then i flexed my calf muscles and got off my bed and realized that every muscle in my lower body hurts and that i would be lying if i said it was only one body part. it was totally worth it, though - the top of that mountain was so beautiful.

it smells like peanut m&m's in my room right now, which makes no sense because, if anything, my room should smell like shimmering brillance. i cleaned tons of crap out of this place this afternoon. in fact, the only things of note i did all afternoon were cleaning this ex-shithole and talking to steve. i spent hours going through all the many nooks and crannies of my room, throwing everything into giant trash bags and then hauling them out to the dumpster my mom ordered just for this. i tend to be really sentimental, and for that reason, i have saved old purses and keychains and shoes and clothes, etc. for several years. i also threw out all the cases for my cds, because i don't have anywhere to put them and they are bulky and they were cramping my style. i found movie ticket stubs from 1999. that was seven, nearly eight, years ago. that's so stupid. i kinda surprised myself with how callous i was about some stuff, but it needed to be done.

shiza and i went to dinner tonight, by ourselves, to protest the fact that denis and weil bailed on us to watch a basketball game on tv, even though we've been trying to get everyone together for a long time.

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