Monday, December 04, 2006

banana pancakes

after class today, i walked all the way home to the beat of "banana pancakes" by jack johnson. i listened to it lots of times and felt like a badass.

i also lost my debit card last thursday, and only discovered this late last night. this afternoon, i went to the bank to get a new one sent to me, and apparently, that takes many, many days. the only good thing about that is that i'll spend less money when faced with the prospect of having to walk all the way to the bank to withdraw money from an actual person.

on saturday, my parents and clay came down to drop off my medication, and we all ended up going to lunch and to whole foods, where my dad got all excited because he saw halle berry. things like that always make me really happy/validated. i'll readily admit that i'm addicted (kinda) to trashy celebrity magazines and snipey websites. some people, however, mock me for this and make me feel like i'm a big dumbass for reading what i call "brain candy." so, it's always nice for me when i discover that even my dad gets giddy when he sees a famous person, or that andy does secretly read the people magazines when i leave them on the coffee table (i figured this out when he asked me the other day if i minded that he had torn some recipes out of said periodical).

tonight, i'm supposed to do something with lina. it'll probably just be coffee, but it'll be grand to see her regardless.

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