Friday, September 01, 2006

villains and soups

someone just microwaved something horrible in the office kitchen. lucky for me, the office i'm working in is directly across from the kitchen, so the terrible, terrible smell is making its steady way over to my previously clean, breathable air. it smells like the separate odors of microwaved broccoli and cheese melded together to create one horrendously awful assault on my nostrils, lungs, and lifespan, because i just might suffocate to death on how gross this is.

this just in: it's mushroom soup. i knew it had to be something disgusting.

in other news: i hate to keep talking about celebrities (which is a lie because i love talking about celebrities), but i've noticed a lot of weirdness about certain famous people. take, for example, how much rebecca gayheart (who you should google immediately) frightens me. i'm not exactly sure why every time i see her, i think she looks villainous and evil. it may have something to do with the fact that the only thing i've ever seen her act in is "urban legends" a few years ago, and she plays a psychopath in that movie. also, i think she was back in the tabloids a while ago for running over a little child in her suv, and that's pretty frightening, right? whatever the reason, i glimpsed her the other day on a website, and now i can't figure out how no one else is scared of her.

i just had a long conversation about life with my aunt over baja fresh and water bottles. it's been really nice working at a family business, no matter how tedious the work or how much i screw it up. i've gotten a chance to hang out with lots of people i enjoy (sam, my aunt, my cousins, etc.) much more than i would have been able to had i not worked here. plus, there's a baja right around the corner, making my favorite goodies that much more convenient.

when i get back home from work, i'm going to get my hair cut. short. because even though i have sugar-plum dreams of having long beautious movie star hair, i must realize that i don't have a stylist trailing me at parties and awards shows and supermarkets. plus, i have very little time or energy to deal with the long hair myself, and thus, it ends up wadded at the top of my skull all the time. that is neither beautious nor dreamy, and must be remedied with a pair of little scissors. and i do realize that no one cares about this line of reasoning - i'm posting this because i know that when my hair is gone and i'm sad and pissed at myself for getting it cut off, i'll need to have a form of solid, dated proof as to why this must happen and why i'm cutting short (pun intended!) my mermaid-hair fantasies.

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