Sunday, September 24, 2006

moving on up

the moment of truth has arrived: i'm all moved into the apartment. i got way mad at my family in the process, but i'm going to chalk that up to the stress of it all and not to the fact that i'm an evil bitch. i'm really not.

i just sliced myself on one of the chairs we found on craigslist and that i had to go pick up by myself on the hottest day of the year. these chairs were priced with three glass-topped wrought-iron tables and all of it needed to be carried out of some guy's third floor apartment in an elevator-less complex. basically, i've suffered enough for these chairs, and getting sliced makes them officially not worth it. (not true - they were way cheap and are amazing).

i don't have a desk in my room right now, because i still have hope that i'll find a really cheap, fairly new one and won't have to use an old, beaten up one my dad vowed to find in the garage. i tried to convince them that the huge antique mohagany bed frame they thought i'd use was too big, but they didn't believe me until they'd shlepped it all the way down here and set it up. it would be nice if once in a while, my parents would allow that i have some sort of an idea about how to run my life.

tonight, i'm going to help fold the copies of the paper. i'm so excited about seeing it. we were on a hardcore budget, so it was printed on white, extra-long copier paper, but apparently, it looks good and i cannot wait to see our hilarity in print. also, it's incredible for me to see something come to fruition. i joined a group on campus at the end of my first year, and it promised to publish a website and a book and to offer lots and lots of opportunities to write, and then, suddenly, so many higher-ups dropped out that i, having only written one tiny blurb about something stupid, was offered an editorship (is that a word? it so should be).

so, congrats to us for actually getting something done.

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