Friday, September 29, 2006


i just got back from the museum, where i experienced the longest, most drawn-out first night of performances i've had in my ten years of doing this play. the groups came through so slowly, and i only survived by eating almonds every once and while (i basically live off of almonds these days).

i also don't have a mattress in my room at home anymore (it's at the apartment), so i'm gonna have to sleep on the couch. plus, in the four days that i was gone, my mom put a bunch of giant plastic tubs in the middle of my room, and filled some of them with my stuff. i don't really know how i feel about my family gradually making my room less mine. it wasn't as sad as i thought it would be, and i think that's because even though i've only been in the apartment for a very short time, i've started to think of it as home, and so it's not so terrible to find that my mom wants my old room to herself. i guess it had to happen sometime.

i'm way tired and my feet hurt from standing all night in my stupid boots and it's insanely cold in the house right now.

that's all there is to report. no good stories or anything tonight, but i'm going furniture shopping with my parents tomorrow afternoon, so i'm pretty much promising that i'll have something really irritating to write about tomorrow night.

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