Saturday, September 23, 2006

courtroom drama

both my brothers were sick last week and now i'm kinda sniffly and tired and my throat hurts and i'm a big baby so this is pretty much the end of the world. i've been drinking airborne like crazy and trying to think good thoughts.

i just got back from my aunt's house. it was grand to see everyone because i absolutely love my family, but the night ended with my mom, my grandma and i having a fat argument with my aunt, my uncle and my grandpa about politics. that happens so often that i don't usually get upset about it, but a lot of really stupid, ignorant shit was said and i really couldn't handle it. i was really happy when we left.

my dad and i got into a fight at the dinner table and didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night. he started giving me the third degree about what grocery stores are around my apartment, and i couldn't understand what the point of it was. he asked: "is there a market around?"; "how far?"; "where exactly is it located?"; "what's it called?"; (and in response to my half-second pause as i tried to remember if it is a ralph's or an albertson's) "what, you can't remember what it's called?"; "how many are there?". so, eventually, to stop the onslaught, i said, "dad, really, what do you care?" and he replied, "that's a nice way to answer someone when they're just trying to ask you a question." he got up and walked away and that was the end of that. i cannot stand that cross-examination crap. he does that to all the time, as if he's going to catch me in some terrible lie about where the market is or who i'm hanging out with or if i really did check my email.

on a lighter note, i spent a long time with my mom today. we went to the museum to pick up some papers and to spy on sam as he rehearsed his scene. then we went shopping, and i refused to let her even touch the elastic-waisted "comfortable" jeans she wanted to try on. i also saw a shirt that said, "i don't care about your blog," and i was tempted to get it, but then i remembered that i don't wear sparkly, logo'd baby doll tees anymore because i'm not in eighth grade. every once in a while, i have to fight the urge to wear something really ridiculous.

ugh, i'm sneezy. moving into the apartment tomorrow is going to be really bad if i don't feel well. plus, everyone is going to be afraid of me, so i'll be avoided and quarantined on my first night. how upsetting.

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