Monday, September 04, 2006


the sides of my lips are seriously cracked to the max. this happened last summer, and it eventually healed, after i learned to pretty much never open my mouth. however, i see no end in sight for this for the next few months because my face will only get more dry, and thus, my lip-corners will only get more cracked. it's upsetting because i can't laugh like a jackal and i love laughing like a crazy person.

i've started wearing my contacts again. i'm such a strong person that i could only stand about six days of wearing my glasses before i caved and decided to weather the dry eyes and bring back the contacts.

today, i learned that i can't take chapstick with me on the plane in my carry-on. it's a gel. and apparently, gels aren't allowed on airplanes anymore. and that totally blows for me because i'll be trapped on that thing for five hours without anything to sooth my nasty lips. num num. that's way irritating. (i believe that's the first time i've used the word "irritating" on this blog. that's impressive).

i don't want to know what's going to happen when i have to live five hours without my gels.

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