Monday, January 15, 2007

sorry, bitch

apparently, i am not allowed to post anything about any emotions andy might have about the possibility of dating me. sorry, bitch.

i went home yesterday to vote for my mom, who was running to be a delegate at california's democratic conventions. she won, and is understandably excited. we went to see a movie late last night, because i forced her to. she makes me feel guilty most of the time because i don't make time for her when i'm home (which implies that she's not totally busy all the time, and that implication is false).

my dad told me, on the drive back to westwood this afternoon, that guys will think i'm disgusting if i get my nose pierced. they will think, he says, "does she have to stick her finger in her nose?" he also informed me that men will not be looking at my eyes when they talk to me because they will be so interested in dissecting all the many ways i clean the piercing. yeah, apparently he's really against my piercing my face.

i took clay shopping for new jeans yesterday, and decided that if child psychology or poet laureate falls through, i'm going to be a personal shopper. i kinda can't handle shopping for myself, but throwing eighteen pairs of pants at my brother was really fun.

time to listen to "love" and "wish you had some," according to andy, who is lurking over my shoulder like a total creep.

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