Friday, January 12, 2007

powerpuff girl

udeitha came over last night, and we shared winter break adventures. hers were more exciting because she spent weeks in india, and i just had some drama at home, but she made me feel like my stories were good regardless. she brought me back some jewels, and that was very nice of her. we talked a lot about how we're both feeling really focused and confident and "glowy" so far this quarter. it was a much different conversation than the last time she came over and had a deep talk with me. i have to figure out a way to extend this feeling of power and confidence and self-assurance, because it's totally awesome and definitely appreciated.

i read a lot in my adolescent development textbook this morning, and was way proud of myself. i also did laundry, and sniffed out a mini washing machine fire, which was exciting and annoying at the same time, because i had to move my clothes to another dryer, thus wasting another $1.50 in precious, precious quarters.

i had coffee with lina, because that's what we do, and i was once again struck by how lucky i am to have people in my life that i absolutely adore. i felt like this last friday, after the "incident" that prompted me to take inventory of my life and the people in it. i'm incredibly lucky, and maybe that's what's producing my intense happiness. also, i feel like i'm in control of myself for the first time in a while. i'm focused about school and feel good about how i look (crazy, burgundy hair notwithstanding) and am just generally happy. this is what stability does for me, and that's why i seek it out all the time.

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