Thursday, March 15, 2007

play by play

today was an intense day, as wednesdays usually are. even mason, who, at this point, i exclusively speak to online (which is sad, and should be remedied), has noticed that wednesdays are insane for me. i had class and work and the flying squirrel meeting, which consisted of only six of us because everyone else was studying for finals. after the meeting, joel drove me around west LA, looking for good vegetarian places to take the date he has tomorrow night. as a vegetarian, i feel like i should have contributed more to the search, but because i rarely get out of westwood, i could only offer a few suggestions, all of which were denied when he learned that this "vegetarian" eats fish. what a fake.

i've started using the magical jergen's tanning body lotion i discovered last spring, and in only two days, i am no longer transparent. it's really amazing. i'm also not orange, which is important.

also, on campus this morning, i saw someone i dated my first year. i wasn't wearing my contacts or my glasses, so i couldn't tell it was him until i had probably been staring at him for way too long. that was great. especially because i thought he'd graduated already.

i keep thinking that tomorrow (or today, i guess) is friday, which scares me because that means i'm one day closer to finals week. and each time i realize that it's not in fact friday, i get really excited and content. i really don't want finals.

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