Thursday, March 15, 2007

i'm a spoiled bitch

it amazes me sometimes how quickly phone calls with my mom can severely alter my mood. i just talked to her, because we need to coordinate how i'm getting home tonight (so that i can sacrifice my saturday-before-finals to go to a peace protest with her), and she said something like, "sam really doesn't want you using his car," as if my plan was to come home and go on a roadtrip, and he had to stonewall me before i committed grand-theft-auto (that's not the plan, fyi). it was unnecessary and totally unrelated to what we were talking about. that immediately pissed me off, because i've been raging about how he gets a brand-new car for a while now. i'm not going to apologize about the rage, either, because i'm not being a spoiled bitch about it. i don't really need a car at school right this instant, and i certainly don't expect my parents to buy me a car. however, i would appreciate a little parental support when i'm home for a day and want use "his" car to go buy something at the drugstore. i cannot handle that he gets to use the car to fuck around all the time with his friends, and i'm expected to obey his commandment that i don't touch the car, ever. my reasoning is, i'm only home for a sum total of three days a quarter, so if they could cut me some slack, and maybe treat me like an adult and allow me to drive at some point, that would be totally awesome.

god, there really is no way to explain my tremendous irritation without sounding like a fat asshole.


1 comment:

happiness is Leah-shaped said...

You're not fat!

I like you!

(and aparently, by the structure of my comment, those two can never coexist in one person.)