Monday, March 05, 2007


i'm actually beaming right now, because today was such a fabulous day. nothing stupid or annoying happened, and lots of extremely cool things did.

1) i met joel to see john edwards speak at kerckhoff this afternoon, and we ended up right in the front by the stage. he was a really good speaker, and really articulate and smart. at the end of his speech, he came down to, as joel put it, "work the ropes." i expected to just shake his hand, but he grabbed my hand with his left, and continued shaking other people's hands with his right. he held my hand in a vice grip for a way long time, time enough for me to think maybe i was assaulting him. except, when i tried to wrestle my hand away, it didn't work. i suppose there are worse things than being close to a powerful, smart man with an adorable southern drawl. and no, i am not ashamed of my crush. and you can't make me.

2) i rediscovered the gipsy kings. this music reminds me so much of my mom, it makes me sad that i'm not home listening to it in the car with her. i was super giddy when i found it on itunes tonight when i got home.

3) i "won" a "game" in my social psychology discussion section, and got myself two extra points on the final. that doesn't seem too impressive, but at this point, every little bit helps.

4) i got to talk to clay, and laugh about lazer cats, and just hearing his voice was awesome. i'm such a dork.

last night, mad and i watched qvc and tried to fall asleep to the gentle lull of the "gem show" until dan came back from work at 12:45 am and slammed the door. the only tv channels of interest that we still get are qvc, bravo, and several thousand spanish language channels. we saw something amazing on one of them last night. something mad so aptly called a "steamhut." this thing is essentially a massive collapsible laundry hamper that zips up on side and ends at the top with a shiny, plastic-y hood. it's a detox tent, apparently. if one were, say, hung over or gross or even feeling just a little too toxic, one could zip oneself into one's steamhut and sweat it out. it's seriously ridiculous. behold:

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