Monday, March 26, 2007


i got another one of my magical fevers last night. it was magical for several reasons:

1) it came on super suddenly when i was at work.
2) it was really intense and made me feel like i had ebola.
3) it kept me up all night, as i tried to break the fever by bundling myself up in my comforter.
4) it didn't register on the thermometer at all, when, at 5 am, i accidentally woke up my mom as i shuffled around looking for some motrin.
5) it is totally gone now, and i'm left only with the last vestiges of it (namely, the feeling that all my organs were just cooked for twelve hours).

my neck hurts.

i'm also sad because i had to cancel dinner with my grandparents, even though i feel much better, because my mom didn't want to risk infecting them before they go on vacation to san francisco.

i did, however, get to spend the entire day in my bed, watching movies and drinking hot chocolate, totally guilt-free. guilt-free because i'm resting - i was just very sick, you know.

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