Tuesday, March 13, 2007


the other day, when i was sitting on the roof talking to andy, he analyzed our different romance strategies. he hooks up with friends, and i friend my hook ups. that is pretty much the truest thing i've ever heard andy say. i don't think there has ever been a time in my life (ok, there has been one time) where i didn't immediately friend some guy i was interested/had been interested in. it's like this terrible curse that forbids me from lasting more than two days with a new "interest" before becoming just one of the guys. it's awesome, and has happened to me enough times in the two and half years i have known andy for him to construct an entire theory about its existence.

i talked to my aunt laurie for a long time today, after she called me just to see how i was doing. she's in the process of putting together a musical, selling a screenplay adapted from one of her novels, and writing a pilot for a tv network. needless to say, talking to her has gotten me all interested in getting a magazine internship again, which is something i researched a lot last year, after my cousin michael got on my case almost daily about how i was wasting my youth in los angeles by not applying for some sort of writing job. i figure i might as well apply, considering i'm going to be living in the apartment over the summer, and will need something to fill up the tediously boring days when everyone else has summer school. (i'm staying here over the summer because i can't handle the thought of having to find subletters again, and then, having found subletters, allowing them to live in my room with my stuff.)

i finished my anthro ethnography tonight, after rereading it and realizing that i didn't really "finish" it last night. i also read in the dread adolescent development textbook, which will go down in history as the most painful thing for me to read. i don't know why it's so difficult for me. also also, i tried writing an article for the squirrel, failed miserably and absolutely could not be funny, so i'm going to let it sit for a little while, and hopefully be able to get it done at work tomorrow, so that i don't get attacked tomorrow at the meeting when i have nothing to show for the week i've been given to create something good.

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