Thursday, August 23, 2007


i was reading an online article about bill murray's recent arrest for driving (a golf cart) drunk around in sweden, and, because i'm incredibly superficial, was saddened by how old he looks:

he used to look like this:

and then, i thought about cary elwes and val kilmer, who look radically different than they did when i was twelve and madly in love with them (for the record, there is no way see "tombstone" at thirteen and not wish hopelessly that doc holliday beats tuberculosis).

exhibit a:

and now:

cary elwes, who went from being westley and robin hood to having to cut off his own feet in "saw," also underwent a terrible change, from this:

to this:

now, i'd be the last person to judge someone based on their appearance, but that doesn't mean i can't be shocked when i realize what's in store for my face in thirty years.

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