Thursday, August 16, 2007

double eyelid surgery

i just googled "double eyelid surgery" because i've always been curious as to how it works and what people look like after having such a surgery. i had previously placed double eyelid surgery on my list of "things never to discuss with anyone, despite how interesting and intriguing they are, because everyone will think you're a hatemonger." however, i've decided to come right out and let you all know that i have in fact, on occassion, wondered why people would want to have eye skin surgery - what are the pay offs? what would make someone want to cut their face skin open? i suppose i would ask the same questions of someone who had a nose job, if nose jobs were as clouded in intrigue as this eyelid surgery has been. anyway, i satisfied this curiousity this morning, and it feels nice to know. however, there are still many, many things on my list, things i don't dare ask anyone about, even though they are perfectly acceptable scientific inquiries, because if i did, everyone would be shocked and horrified that i'd put them into words. where am i going to get answers?

i'm really considering going to get my hair straightened via the "yuko system" at a salon in westwood, which is probably a terrible idea, as i have gotten tremendously horrible haircuts in westwood, and this time i would be surrendering much more than just the ends of my hair. however, given the huge convenience of the salon being two seconds from my apartment, and the even huger convenience of maybe never having to use a flat iron all the time, i'm really, really tempted. i could trick myself into thinking that when my hair grows out a little, it'll be easier to manage, but that will only mean that i won't have to use as many bobby pins when i throw the mass into a bun.

i'm so vain.

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