Sunday, August 05, 2007

"no, fuck you."

driving in LA is always an enraging activity, but this morning, something really infuriating happened and i felt i needed to share. some douche in an enormous truck was trying to make a left turn out of a strip mall across four lanes of traffic, and instead of waiting until all the lanes were clear before pulling ahead, he decided to block the lane closest to him. this was, incidentally, the lane next to where i was heading toward him, and as i got closer, i noticed that he was going to pull out right in front of me. i'm getting pretty good with my horn, so i honked, and he didn't look (of course) and proceeded to move in front of me and stop his car, blocking two lanes of traffic as he waited for the cars to clear on the other side. i honked again to thank him for almost killing me and making two lines of cars wait for him to stop being a total jackass, and he finally acknowledged me with a "fuck you" screamed out of his giant window. i will never stop being surprised.

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