Monday, April 09, 2007


i spent a long time yesterday reading for my evolution of human sexual behavior class (which wasn't all that torturous, even after i discovered i'd accidentally read ahead, because that class fascinates me) in order to prepare myself both for lecture and for the possibility that this morning's 8 am class would have a pop quiz. and then, i woke up to mad's alarm at 7:30 am, and totally freaked out. i've never slept through my alarm. i was entirely sure that it was impossible for me to get to class on time, as i then had to spend approximately six minutes brushing my teeth, washing my face and slapping some bobby pins on my head. i don't think i've ever gotten "ready" so fast, and it definitely showed. i was hideous, but i got lucky with stoplights on the shuttle and actually made it to class right on time, to discover that my professor had in fact decided to give a quiz today. i suppose it was worth it, because i did well on the quiz, but i'm gonna have to figure out a way to never sleep through my alarm again.

i hate feeling disgusting during the day, and there's nothing like pretty much rolling out of bed and into class to help me feel disgusting during the day.

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