Saturday, May 05, 2007

graham crackers and margaritas

i just cancelled my subscription. that's about the only worthwhile thing i did today. that, and laundry. i can finally start wearing normal clothes again. i ate a lot of cinnamon graham crackers, some of which i had opened last night, to let them get a little soft and stale, making them even more delicious.

i didn't wake up until 12:30 this afternoon. i don't mean that i woke up at 9 am and then rolled around in my bed for lots of hours. i actually didn't wake up until after noon. that rarely happens. i went around checking various clocks to make sure my cell phone wasn't lying to me. i had several really good dreams, though, so that was nice. and, no, i'm not telling you what they were about.

i got to talk to matt for a little while last night. i was totally incoherent and crazed with sleep, but it was fab to hear his voice and crack him up when i said at least three ridiculous things in complete seriousness. we added lots of things to "the list of things to do when matt gets back from washington," including margaritas at the alamo at 11 am on my birthday. this list already includes "watch 'dumb and dumber'" and "obesity." i want summer.

today was exactly what i needed. true, i feel gross and unproductive and a little guilty for shuffling around the apartment for entire day, but it was also fantastic.

i'm gonna go eat some real food, and get ready to hang out with claire, because it's been too long.

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