Friday, May 04, 2007

beer and oreos

right now, i am laying in my bed, almost physically inable to move. i worked for ten straight hours today, and came home to free time, with no idea how i was going to fill it. i decided that immediately changing out of my work clothes and into pajamas and then drinking a beer left over from last night's meeting was as good a plan as any. so, i wandered around the empty apartment in sweats, swigging out of a bottle of beer, occasionally eating an oreo and listening to new additions to my itunes playlist. i also spent some time thinking about how much darker my freshly dyed hair is than what i expected it would be. i guess spending nearly five hours in a small cider-block ticket booth at a baseball stadium after working in the phone room for five hours can really, really fry my brain. at some point, i migrated to my bed and i can't seem to get out of it. i'm just super exhausted. not having anything to do this weekend will be absolutely fabulous. that being said, i really do want to catch up with people, and maybe not spend the rest of the weekend cocoon'd in my room.

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