Sunday, September 30, 2007


i came home this afternoon to take my grandma's seat at the local democratic garden party (this is the same event where my mother humiliated me last year - even though a senator's daughter was the guest speaker and clay and i are usually very well-behaved, we couldn't handle sitting and listening for hours, and we left. (clay scribbled me a "let's see a movie" note on a luncheon program using a piece of hershey's chocolate - that's desperation.)

so anyway, clay left the table first, following shortly by me (so as to not attract too much attention as we got up and walked out of a speech by christine pelosi), and we eventually made it to the movie theather. my genius brother suggested "mr. woodcock," and because i wanted to be santa claus and make everyone's wishes come true, i didn't fight him on it (although i did say, very kindly, "are you sure there's nothing else you'd rather do?").

the movie was terrible. almost more terrible that i knew it was going to be before i bought the tickets. it was essentially a waste of time and money, and the only way clay and i are going to be able to live with ourselves is if, and i quote him, "we stay up for two extra hours tonight and do all things we should have been doing while we saw that movie." the only funny things in the film were corn puns, such as "let's go to the cornival!" and "say hello to all the corntestants!" i'll admit, i laughed at those. i like puns.

and now that we're back home and waiting for my mom to get back from the market, i have to think of ways to excuse myself from dinner here without having my parents make me feel guilty about what a horrible daughter i am.

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