Saturday, August 26, 2006


i'm currently waiting for the wonder drug to start working. today i started taking two pills a day, as per the doctor's instructions that i ease my body into the medication by taking a half dose for the first week. i'm actually excited to feel my skin dry and tighten. i wonder how excited i'll be about it when it starts to crack and peel and be foul. in this case, though, the ends will definitely justify the means.

at first, i thought i shouldn't broadcast this into the universe on the internet, because it's personal and almost humiliating. but, then, i realized that every person i've ever met in my entire life already knows that i have shitty skin, it's pretty obvious, so why not talk about the crazy schemes i've used (and am currently using) to try to end the issue once and for all? maybe it could theraputic or something, to detail how i feel about it.

i just hope that i don't lose my hair or have joint pain or fall into some psychosis. i'm cool with the dry skin, but i think i'll draw the line at psychoses.

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