Wednesday, August 30, 2006

10 things i hate about driving

after my dentist appointment, i had lunch with my grandpa and his fellow dentist, and that turned into the most terribly awkward, i-wish-i-were-invisible hour of my life. more on that later. when that insane lunch finally ended, i drove down to LA to drop off the apartment rent check to andy. on the way there, i drove alongside a man who was wearing a straw hat, a tommy bahama flowered shirt, and was smoking a cigar. classy. on the way home, i created a mental list of all the things i hate about driving, aptly titled, "10 things i hate about driving". some of things i hate about driving are: being cut off, inexplicable traffic, merging, getting dirty looks from people after they screw up, bumper stickers promoting the re-election of a certain recent president, and, finally, idiots. i think that idiots make me the most upset, which might also be why i despise those bumper stickers so much.

basically, i had a severely unpleasant driving experience this afternoon.

being at the apartment (between freeway journeys) was nice. it's going to be grand to finally live there, and not have to drive back and forth from home to visit for a few hours. i was pissed off to discover that one of our subletters, someone we found online and who, as an adult, has less consideration for his fellow man than my nine-month-old cousin, has totally destroyed the toaster oven i brought down last month. he has baked lots and lots of greasy meats in the tray and now it's foul and it offends my delicate vegetarian sensibilities.

i had a bunch more written (namely, about my lunch with the dentists), but my laptop crashed and i lost it all. therefore, i'll just sum it up by saying that i spent a good portion of my noontime listening to a grown man talk about his terrible divorce, his child custody battle, and his trouble dating due to his kids (but, he assured me, he would never call them "baggage", which is, in fact, precisely what he called them originally). i just felt way out of place and for once in my life, i absolutely did not want to know everything about everyone.

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