Monday, July 16, 2007

"well, we were in a target."

today, my mom, clay and i went out to lunch and then to target, where i was planning on getting cheap running shoes and where i instead went shopping in the little girls' department and bought two extra-large dresses (i'm insane). while we were there, there was a power outage, and everyone in the place started going nuts. the cashiers started moving around in the really intense, self-important way people do when they're faced with a situation that allows them to pretend they're in a movie. a few of them actually shouted, "register 15 is open! register 15 is up and working!" as if scanning items had suddenly earned itself a red alert. i then made a joke about how unsafe i felt, seeing as we were inside a target, and left satisfied that i'd again been able to experience something crazy while doing something equally crazy (i.e. being caught in the pitch-black darkness while perusing the fashion options in the kids' department).

yesterday, i saw zoe and gilmore, and went to dinner with zo and shiza, and i'd forgotten how incredibly easy it is for me to be around those people. zoe had been gone for seven months, and while i did force her to listen to me throw stories at her at a million miles a minute, nothing at all was different. it's amazing to know i have a whole crew of people here who understand me almost entirely, and who will, despite all the time we spend apart and other people we meet (and fall in love with), continue to give me this fantastic support.

i went to a local camera shop this afternoon to have a picture doctored, and i could have done it myself, but the machine specifically said, "do not touch. password required," so i asked one of the older men behind the counter to help me. not only did he seem totally disinterested in helping me (while also apparently disapproving of the picture), he also blew his nose practically in my face. i've since decided that the only times in my life when i hate people is when i'm driving and when i'm forced to rely on surly strangers.

clay accidentally shanked me with the teeth of some car keys the morning, prompting me to spend the rest of the day whimpering about how much it hurt and asking my mom if she thought it would require a tetanus shot. he felt guilty for about five seconds before (purposely) slamming his hand into a chair, and whining about how the bruise would ruin his career as a hand model. sometimes, i really adore him.

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