Thursday, July 05, 2007


every time i turn on my computer, i am amazed by the sheer greatness of the picture i've set as my desktop background. it's one clay took of himself at sam's graduation, when we were bored out of our minds and listening to yet another graduating senior totally destroy a perfectly good song (one girl screwed up the lyrics to "in my life," and repeatedly sang, "and i know i'll never stop and think about them," which, in my opinion, is a grievious error, as it completely changes the meaning of the song and makes it far less appropriate to sing at a graduation). in this picture, clay is wearing the ridiculous black knock-off ray-bans i bought on campus for seven dollars, and he is looking way adorable, because that's kinda his thing. the picture is really sharp and focused, and i can be seen in the reflection of the sunglass lense, rummaging through my enormous bag to find my cell phone or a pack of orbit or maybe just to to keep my idle hands busy as i suffered through a graduation ceremony full of a bunch of kids i didn't know, and only one i truly cared about. i don't know how parents do it. anyway, i like the picture and it makes me happy.

today was one of the first days thus far that i've felt summer. i know, that sounds really whiny, but i'll admit it: i'm still officially a child, and i still officially get summer breaks, and am thus still officially entitled to having a summer that feels carefree and joyous. this afternoon, and even now, i had the shiny, sticky feel of someone who has spent the entire shiny, sticky day in the summer air. granted, i wasn't really outside much, but the windows were open, which is essentially the same thing, and now i can say that i really, truly feel as if i spent the day in a southern mansion on the veranda, reading and drinking sweet tea (all of which is entirely true, minus the southern mansion and the veranda). it's funny what having normal skin will do for a girl. last year, at this time, i actually was in the south, and actually was outside in the humidity, walking around and being dewy. however, the massive difference is that last year, i was covered in terrible boils, and insisted on wearing layers of makeup, and when those two things are combined with rising humidity, it spells trouble. i guess maybe i relished being just a little sweaty all day because it's not something i would have enjoyed very much before i became a normal human being - meaning, now that i can enjoy it, my journey towards normalcy is right on track.

*this was originally going to be "shweaty balls," but i didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. i'm all girl, ok?

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